An Administrator/Host can grant use of a Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription Credit to a Guest. The Host must have at least one available Subscription Credit in order for a Guest to activate a new Subscription License. The Host retains control of the Subscription Credit and can revoke and reassign the Subscription License to a different Guest at any time. Multiple users cannot share/activate a single subscription license at the same time.

  1. Log into your account on the Wildlife Acoustics website and navigate to SUBSCRIPTIONS.

  2. Verify that you have one more subscription license credits available as indicated at the top of the SUBSCRIPTIONS page.

  3. Enter the Guest user's email address into the text box under “Add a guest to share your subscription credits.”
    • If the Guest already has a Wildlife Acoustics account, enter the email address associated with that account.

    • If the Guest does not have a Wildlife Acoustics account, the Guest must create a Wildlife Acoustics web account using the email address you entered.

  4. Click ADD GUEST.

  5. The Guest's email address will appear in the Subscriber list.

Guests with an Unsubscribed status have not yet used the subscription license to activate Kaleidoscope Pro.

Guests with an Unregistered status do not yet have a Wildlife Acoustics web account.

NOTE: Guests automatically have access to any available credits on the Host account. Transferring a credit to another account is not the same as providing Guest access. Do not transfer ownership of any credits to a Guest. Kaleidoscope does not look for credits on a Guest account. Transferring credits to a Guest account will make those credits unusable.

If the Host has available credits listed on their account and the Guest has created a Wildlife Acoustics web account, the Guest can download and activate Kaleidoscope using the instructions under Activate A Subscription License with their own email and password. If the Host does not have any available credits, but would like to reassign a currently in-use subscription from an existing user to a new Guest, refer to these instructions on moving activated subscriptions between users.