How long can I run a Song Meter using the Power Kit?

How long a fully-charged Power Kit can power a Song Meter depends on many factors:

  • the Song Meter model
  • recording settings and schedule
  • levels of bat activity (for ultrasonic Song Meters)
  • average temperature
  • average daily sun exposure

Deployment Length Without Solar Power

If you assume the worst-case scenario, where the Power Kit receives no sun exposure at all, it simply behaves as a battery pack with an energy capacity of 92.5 Wh, or about 25% more than 4 alkaline, D batteries.

To estimate this worst-case runtime, use the SM4 Configurator or SM3 Configurator software. Enter your schedule, settings, and SD card capacities, then enter 92.5 Wh into the Battery field. The schedule calendar will estimate when the battery will run out, assuming no solar charging.

Deployment Length With Solar Power

Factoring in solar charging makes the estimation more challenging, and the necessary calculations are beyond the scope of this FAQ. The Power Kit's solar panel can generate a maximum of 10 W of power in full sunlight, but many factors will affect how many hours of full sunlight the Power Kit can receive each day, including the following:

  • location
  • time of year
  • weather
  • nearby obstructions
  • mounting angle

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