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Administrator vs. Guest: Which Are You?
Are accessories eligible for the program?
Are government agencies eligible to apply?
Are non-US organizations eligible to apply?
Are organizations outside the US eligible to apply?
Are there acoustic differences between the first- and second-generation Mini Bat recorders?
Are there acoustic differences between the first- and second-generation Minis?
Are there differences between Echo Meter Touch 2 and 2 PRO modules with different connectors?
Can any of your Song Meters record infrasonic sounds?
Can anyone with a phone or tablet access my Song Meter Mini?
Can I access SMART System recordings remotely?
Can I Adjust The Direction In Which The EMT 1 Microphone Is Pointed?
Can I apply for multiple grants?
Can I connect the Song Meter Micro 1 or 2 to an external battery?
Can I connect the Song Meter Mini (Bat) to an external battery?
Can I Convert Full Spectrum Wav Files to Zero-Crossing Files?
Can I copy a schedule from a Song Meter Mini or Mini Bat to a Song Meter Micro?
Can I copy a schedule from one Song Meter Micro 1 or 2 to another?
Can I copy a schedule from one Song Meter Mini to another?
Can I Make Only One Recognizer For Multiple Calls?
Can I power other devices using the Power Kit?
Can I re-apply for a grant?
Can I record bats with the Song Meter Micro 1 or 2?
Can I Record Non-Bat Sounds with the Echo Meter Touch?
Can I Run Multiple Recognizers At The Same Time?
Can I run the same schedules on the Song Meter Micro 1 or 2 as I do on my other Song Meter recorders?
Can I run the same schedules on the Song Meter Mini as I do on my SM3 or SM4 series recorders?
Can I transfer recordings to my phone over Bluetooth?
Can I transfer recordings to my phone over Bluetooth?
Can I Turn Off My Device’s Screen When Using the Echo Meter Touch?
Can I Use A Non-Ultrasonic Mic With My SM4Bat FS Or ZC?
Can I Use An SMM-U1 Or SMX-U1 Microphone To Record Non-Ultrasonic Signals?
Can I use Echo Meter Touch modules with USB connectors with iOS devices?
Can I Use External Microphones With Song Sleuth?
Can I Use Kaleidoscope Pro to Identify Non-Bat Species in my Recordings?
Can I Use Micro SD Cards With My Recorders?
Can I use my own microphone with the SMART System?
Can I Use One SM3Bat To Record Both Sound And Ultrasound?
Can I use the SMART System for applications other than monitoring bats at wind farms?
Can I Use Third-Party Hardware With Wildlife Acoustics Hardware?
Can I Use Training Data From One Individual Only?
Can I Use Wireless Bluetooth Headphones With The Echo Meter Touch?
Can the SMART System communicate with SCADA systems?
Can the SMM-U2 be used in the rain?
Does Kaleidoscope Pro Support .zca Files?
Does power consumption change based on what type of microphone or how many microphones I'm using?
Does the Echo Meter Touch Log the Gps Location of the Recordings and My Path?
Does the Power Kit work in the shade?
Does the SMART System identify bat species?
Do I need a Kaleidoscope Pro subscription to run species analysis?
Do I need a smartphone or tablet to use the Song Meter Micro 1 or 2?
Do I need a smart phone or tablet to use the Song Meter Mini?
Do I need to include shipping costs in my grant application?
Do Managed Cloud Account Credits Accrue from Month to Month?
How are customs fees and taxes handled?
How Are My Recorders Affected By Cold?
How can I find out about the status of my application?
How Can I Get Separate Recordings From Each Channel Of My Recorder?
How Can I Increase My Battery Life When Using The Echo Meter Module?
How Can I Keep My SD Cards Working Over Time?
How can I power the SMART System?
How Can I Protect My Recorders From Electric Discharge?
How Can I Tell Which Of My Recordings Came From Each Channel?
How Can I Transfer All of My Echo Meter Touch Recordings to My Computer?
How Can I Transfer an Unused Credit from One Account to Another?
How Does Renewal License Pricing Work for a Permanent License?
How does the recording quality of the SMART System compare with that of the Song Meter SM4BAT FS?
How does the SMART System distinguish bat calls from sounds made by wind turbines?
How Do I Activate a Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription License?
How Do I Add the NABat Project Form?
How do I apply for the travel grant?
How Do I Change The State The App Is Using?
How do I do a Manual Activation of my License?
How Do I Install Kaleidoscope and Other Software on MacOS Catalina or Later (Including Big Sur)?
How Do I Make A Subscription License Available To A Guest?
How Do I Make Changes To A Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription License?
How Do I Make Changes To A Permanent Kaleidoscope Pro License?
How Do I Move A Subscription License From One Computer To Another?
How Do I Purchase a Renewal for a Permanent License?
How Do I Reassign An Activated Subscription License From Guest To Another?
How Do I Redeem (Apply) Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription Credits To My Account?
How Do I Renew a Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription?
How do I store my recordings? Can I use external storage?
How do I update the firmware on my Echo Meter Touch module with USB to add iOS compatibility?
How far away can a SMART Microphone be from the SMART Controller?
How is the SMART System protected from electrical interference?
How long can I run a Song Meter using the Power Kit?
How long does it take to deliver to Canada?
How long does it take to ship to countries outside US/Canada?
How many applicants are awarded each quarter?
How Many Echo Meter Touch Recordings Can My Device Hold?
How Many GPS Accessories Do I Need?
How many SMART Microphones do I need?
How Many Times Can I Activate a Kaleidoscope Pro License?
How Much Storage Space Do I Need For My Full-Spectrum Recordings?
How Should I Mount My Microphones?
How Should I Set My Sample Rate?
How To Calculate Battery Capacity In Wh (Watt-Hours)
How To Prevent SM4/SM4Bat Recorders From Leaking
I have submitted my application and have additional information to provide. How do I do that?
I Installed The Wrong Firmware On My SM4. What Should I Do?
I’m Experiencing Issues With Echo Meter Touch On iOS
Is My Computer Compatible with Kaleidoscope Software?
Is software eligible for the program?
Is The Echo Meter Touch Weatherproof?
Is the SMART System weatherproof?
Is Wildlife Acoustics Software Compatible with the New Apple M1 Mac Computers?
My Recorders Are Dying Faster Than They Used To.
My SM2 Series Recorder Is Not Recording Or Not Following My Schedule.
My SM2 Series Recorder Will Not Turn On.
My SM3/SM4 Series Recorder Will Not Turn On.
Regular Maintenance For SM2 Series Recorders
Scheduling Recordings To Maximize Battery Life
Song Scope Is No Longer Supported
Troubleshooting Android Device Compatibility for Echo Meter Touch
What about tax exempt customers?
What adapter do I need for my Echo Meter Touch module and Android or iOS device?
What Are Cloud Credits?
What are the differences in recording quality between the Song Meter SM4 and Song Meter Mini?
What are the differences in recording quality between the Song Meter SM4BAT FS and the Song Meter Mini Bat?
What Are Zero-Crossing Recordings?
What Countries, Regions, and Species Are Supported by Echo Meter Touch Bat Auto-ID?
What Does a Renewal License Provide?
What Does It Mean When An SD Memory Card Is “Dirty”?
What Does Parking a Kaleidoscope Subscription Do?
What Equipment Is Needed To Perform Localization/Triangulation?
What if my country doesn't have tax-exempt status or documents?
What if my country doesn't have tax-exempt status or documents?
What iOS devices are compatible with my Echo Meter Touch module?
What Is a Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription License?
What Is a Managed Cloud Account?
What Is An Audio Channel?
What is covered by the travel grant?
What is expected in reports if I'm awarded a grant?
What Is The Detection Range For My Sonic Microphones And Recorders?
What Is The Detection Range For My Ultrasonic Microphones And Recorders?
What is the Difference between a Kaleidoscope Pro Permanent License and a Kaleidoscope Pro Subscription license?
What Is The Difference Between File Storage and Database Storage In The Cloud?
What is the difference between Subscription Credits and Active Subscriptions?
What is the lowest frequency the Song Meter Mini Bat's ultrasonic microphone can record?
What is the lowest frequency the Song Meter SM4BAT FS can record?
What is the Song Meter Micro’s Bluetooth range?
What is the Song Meter Mini’s Bluetooth range?
What is the Wildlife Acoustics Travel Grant?
What is your return policy?
What Kinds Of Audio Files Can Kaleidoscope Open?
What recording file format does the SMART System generate?
What SD Cards Should I Use With My Recorders?
What Song Meter recorders are compatible with the Power Kit?
What type of data port does my phone or tablet have?
What type of plug does my Echo Meter Touch module have?
What types of AA batteries are compatible with the Song Meter Mini and Song Meter Micro families?
When can I expect my order to be delivered?
When Should I Build a Classifier?
When the SMART System detects a bat, how quickly does it signal SCADA to shut down turbine operation?
Where are the available Kaleidoscope Pro metaforms?
Where Can I Get Tips On Creating Recognizers?
Which Lithium-ion Batteries are Compatible with the Song Meter Mini Lithium Lid?
Which products are NOT eligible for the program?
Which products can I apply for through the grant program?
Who qualifies for the travel grant?
Why Are My Song Meter's Predicted Sunrise/Sunset Times Incorrect?
Why Can’t I Activate Kaleidoscope Pro On My Computer?
Why can't I use an adapter to connect a USB-C Echo Meter Touch to my Lightning iOS device?
Why Can’t I Use My Kaleidoscope Pro Free Trial?
Why Did My Recorder Produce A Bunch Of Dump Files?
Why does Kaleidoscope Pro Crash or Stop with an Error Message When Doing a Batch Process?
Why Does Kaleidoscope Pro Take So Long To Process My Files?
Why Does My SM4 Say "Fatal Clock Error"?
Why Does The Kaleidoscope Viewer Display Only A Segment Of The Recording?
Why new models? What is different about them?
Will my phone or tablet work with the Song Meter Micro?
Will my phone or tablet work with the Song Meter Mini?
Will setup necessitate an IT expert?
Will the SMART System record birds?