Happy Holidays! Our warehouse will be closed on Dec 24th through January 1st. If you have any urgent questions, please reach out to our Sales and Support Teams.
Christopher E. Comer
Stephen F. Austin State University — Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture, Nacogdoches, TX
The primary use of the 2 Echo Meter Touch units during this period was for outreach and education activities. These activities consisted primarily of the following three events:
The 2 Echo Meter Touch units were used during this period for one event. On the weekend of September 22-24, 2017, we hosted a "bioblitz" event at the Pineywoods Conservation Center in Nacogdoches, TX. The event was hosted by undergraduate students in the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture here at Stephen F. Austin State University. It was open to the public and all data were recorded through iNaturalist. One component of the bioblitz was a bat walk using the bat Echo Meter touch units on the night of September 22. Ten individuals participated in the bat walk and they recorded 5 species of bats (Lasiurus borealis, L. cinereus, L. seminolus, Nycticeius humeralis, and Tadarida brasiliensis).
The primary use of the 2 Echo Meter Touch units during this period was for outreach and education activities. During the summer field station experience for forestry undergraduates at SFASU, we used the Echo Meter Touch units as part of the Field Wildlife Techniques class on the evenings of June 4-6, 2018, in conjunction with mist netting activity. This included 56 undergraduate wildlife and forestry students.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
3 Mill and Main Place, Suite 110
Maynard, MA 01754-2657 USA
+1 (978) 369-5225
+1 (888) 733-0200